Let’s get a bit personal


Operating in the blockchain space requires special considerations. An effective strategy requires: integration into a diverse community of devs, investors, institutions, "average" crypto Joes and newcomers; understanding jurisdictions and regulations; vigilant monitoring of crypto-specific news and events; and many other important factors.


We collaborate through honesty and open communication. You have a vision, we know what works. Our strategy is to combine our talents to present your idea in the best way possible.


At UpNode we believe in the free market and know you have many options. We strive to provide superior value and thus earn your business.

We’ve been in crypto since the days that Vitalik was first sporting purple unicorn shirts onstage

Core Team

Katie Ananina

Katie Ananina


Katie's super power is to get sh*t done. She is into Crypto, Sailing, Growth Hacking, Music, Constant Immigration and Anarchy.
Evgeniy Semenov

Evgeniy Semenov


Evgeniy is the tech-brain of the company. He will make sure your website/app is up and running fast 365/24/7.
Artem Uvarov

Artem Uvarov


Artem will turn your vision into a ready-to-go project, take care of deadlines and delivering the product according to the agreement.

We need Talents

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